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Our Telegram channel is posting major news items and trying to keep dross to a minimum.Please join and feel free to share:

The pandemic’s exposé

Moral cowardice, medical betrayal, and the slide toward tyranny Kara Thomas and Andrew McIntyre The Covid pandemic will be remembered not only as a public health crisis but as a profound moral failure. It exposed the terrifying ease with which democratic societies can...

Message from Doctors Against Mandates, Qld

1 November 2023 | Update Dear All, Please read our sincere thanks and assessment of the horizons.Feel free to share our message via the URL:

First Applicant Story

[Disclaimer: This is a personal story, the first of a series from doctors and other applicants explaining their perspectives. It is not medical advice or information published in the practice of medicine.] Dr Peter Parry MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, Cert Child Adoles...

Originating Application (QHealth HED 12/21)

Note: This is the original application against the Health Employment Directive 12/21 filed mid-February 2023. The group hope to lodge an amended application very soon and the updated version will be uploaded. Parry & Ors - Application for a Statutory Order of...

Onward We Go!

On 2 September 2022, the Chief Health Officer Public Health Direction mandating COVID-19 vaccination requirements for workers in health care settings was revoked in the state of Queensland. The announcement was made the day before by the Minister for Health, the...